Baby 1st Birthday Scrapbook Page Ideas

Momentos from baby first year

Recording your baby's mementos in a scrapbook is not only fun, but it is also something that you and your loved ones will cherish for the rest of your lives. Life moves quickly and so does the first year of your little one. They will grow in the blink of an eye and before you know it, you will be packing their lunch and sending them away for their first day of school. That is why it is important to take the time now to document these important mementos.

Your little one will reach tons of milestones in their first year. The joy of creating your own scrapbook is that you don't have to limit it to the huge milestones such as baby's first words or baby's first steps. Get creative with it and document the first time baby held its head up on its own (even if it was for only a moment, it still counts as a huge accomplishment in baby's development). Write a page about the first time he or she jumped or was surprised by a loud sound. Record baby's first smile and the first object baby grasped with his/her hands. Don't take the time to pick and choose what moments are scrapbook worthy. Record the all and share the with your family for years to come.

We have listed several precious mementos you should be sure to record in your baby scrapbook.

It's all about the Layouts


The layout of your baby scrapbook is important for keeping the book organized and easy to navigate. It also adds an aesthetic appeal to the project.

Before you jump into the project, develop an outline and decide on a theme or feel for the book. This will help you plan your materials, layouts, and photos.

If you're feeling stuck before you even get started, carry on reading to generate some great ideas for page and scrapbook layouts. Whether your style is simplistic or over the top, you'd be sure to find some excellent scrapbooking ideas.

1. Welcome Baby Layout

Source: Pinterest

This is the most important page in your baby scrapbook as it pays tribute to the day you little one graced the Earth with his/her presence. Take note of the date and time of birth and add a note saying how this event changed your life forever. Finish it off with a beautiful picture of your newborn baby and remember that when designing layouts, sometimes less is more.

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2. Baby's Firsts

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From first smiles to first holidays, these are the moments you will look back on and cherish with your loved one. Clean, decorative layouts will highlight content and photos and make the page easy to read and attractive.

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3. Milestones

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This beautiful monthly template from Pinterest is a perfect example of how a layout should be done. The washi tape and tag add a lot of detail and decoration to the page without overdoing it. Make sure to record what milestones your baby reached in that month along with anything else you think is significant. These pages are all about growth and development. Remember that "less is more" theme and allow yourself some room to keep track of baby's accomplishments.

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4. Baby's First Birthday

Source: Pinterest

The first birthday is an important milestone for both you and your baby because you are celebrating the miracle of birth and that precious moment your little one entered this world. On this day you will look back on the previous year and think about how much your baby has changed in such a short amount of time. All the accomplishment made and all of the growth and development will be but distant memories. Record this moment and keep the memory forever in the hearts of your family.

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5. Baby's First Words

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What parent does not shed tears or squeal for joy when their baby says their first word? Sure, all that babbling is adorable but what a rush it is to hear your loved one say "mama" or "dada" for the first time. This is an important moment because it is the first time where your baby is projecting a sound that has actual meaning. It won't be much longer now before they are asking for you to help them fill out their college applications.

Record this moment on its own page so that you and your family can go back to look at it through years to come.

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6. Baby's First Steps

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This is a huge achievement for all babies. It marks the point in life where you can no longer trust their lack of motor skills to keep them safe and sound in one spot. Now that they have taken those first steps, they will be sure to keep you on your toes right along with them! Document this milestone on its own page. Consider adding the date, your thoughts and feeling and pictures of baby's first shoes to pay tribute to this great milestone!

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7. Baby's First Tooth

Source: Fur all over

Baby milestones tend to happen when you least expect it so be sure to keep a strong eye on baby through the first year so that you don't miss a single one. I've known my fair share of busy mothers who were not aware that their baby was teething until they begin breastfeeding and get a sharp pain as a surprise from the baby.

While some infants wake up one day sporting a new tooth that is viable for the world to see, others take time to pass through that cute, itty bitty gum line. Either way, it is a moment that no parent wants to miss out on. Baby's first tooth is a significant moment and is one that definitely should be documented.

Fill the page with pictures of the cute, lonely tooth and pair them with images of baby destroying some teething toys or baby teething snacks.

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8. Baby's Footprint

Source: Pinterest

Is there anything more precious than your baby's first footprint or handprint? Answer that question after your baby grabs a hold of your finger for the first time.

Both are heartwarming moments that you force you to realize your loved one won't be a baby forever. Capture them tiny fingers and toes and record them in your scrapbook so that they can be moments the whole family will cherish forever.

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9. Tangible Items

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Locks of hair, pieces of blanket and hospital bracelets are all excellent items to include in your baby scrapbook. Make sure to add pictures from the hospital, home arrival, and even the pregnancy test! These important items will help to tell the birth story of your loved one.

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10. Don't Forget to Include the Ultrasound Pictures

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Ultrasound pictures are the first glimpse of your baby is a significant moment in your life that you will want to document in your baby scrapbook. These black and white photos will look good with any theme or color scheme you use in your scrapbook layouts. The emotions you and your loved ones felt in this moment are equally important so be sure to take notes on what you were thinking or feeling in those moments. Think of this as a journaling page. Include notes on what baby was doing at the time of the ultrasound. Was she/he sleeping, moving around, or raising a fist? Maybe they're a little kicker! How big was baby and how many ultrasounds did you have? Consider finishing this section of your scrapbook off with a letter to your baby.

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Reasons to decorate and handmade your own baby scrapbook

Source: Ginger Scraps

There are many reasons as to why you should hand make and decorate your own baby scrapbook. There is no premade baby book out there that is going to be 100% personally tailored to you. They won't include pages for those moments that are extra special for you and your baby. Of course, every child grows their first tooth, but does every child start cutting three at the exact same time? No. What about that page in the baby's first-year keepsake book that is titled "Baby's First Haircut"? That blank page will annoy you to no end if your little one did not get a haircut within his or her first year.

What about all those moments that are special or unique to each individual? My baby cousin went through some serious surgery when he was born due to some digestive issues. Where can his other document this unique event in his life in all those premade baby books? Moments like when he ate his first bite of baby food or had his feeding tube removed.

Don't get me wrong, baby books are lifesavers and are sure to be cherished heirlooms within your family but there's nothing like the personal touch of handling and decorating a book of your own. This is a fun project that the whole family can help you with. Call up mom or aunt Rachel and have them over for lunch while you sit around the table and decorate together.

Make the moments you spend making the book as memorable as the memories you fill the book with.

Find this on Ginger Scraps

Baby 1st Birthday Scrapbook Page Ideas


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